Category: Network

Is IPv6 the Way of the Future?

With the explosive growth of connected devices, IPv4’s limitations are becoming more apparent, leading to the development of IPv6, the successor protocol. So, let’s explain what it is, why it was developed, and whether it truly represents the future of the Internet.

What is IPv6?

IPv6, or Internet Protocol version 6, is the latest version of the Internet protocol used to assign unique addresses to devices so they can communicate on the network. The most significant difference between IPv4 and IPv6 is the size of the address space.

While IPv4 uses a 32-bit system that supports about 4.3 billion unique addresses, IPv6 uses a 128-bit system, allowing for an astronomical number of addresses — approximately 340 undecillion. This makes it capable of handling the immense growth of internet-connected devices in the future.

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ARP: The Foundation of Network Addressing

ARP, or Address Resolution Protocol, plays a pivotal role in ensuring seamless communication between devices within a local network. Whether you’re an IT professional or just curious about how networks function, understanding this protocol is crucial. Today, we will explain a little bit more about it and highlight its importance and how it operates.

What is ARP?

The Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) is a network protocol used to map an IP address to a physical MAC (Media Access Control) address within a local area network (LAN). In simpler terms, Address Resolution Protocol translates the logical address (IP address) that software applications use into the hardware address (MAC address) that network interfaces recognize.

When a device on a LAN wants to send data to another device, it has to know the recipient’s MAC address to ensure proper delivery. Address Resolution Protocol facilitates this process by dynamically linking IP addresses to MAC addresses, making it a fundamental component of network communication.

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SMTP and IMAP Explained: A Beginner’s Guide to Email Communication

SMTP and IMAP are two of the most crucial protocols you’ll encounter. When it comes to managing email, understanding the protocols that power email communication can make a world of difference. In today’s article will explain these protocols, their roles in email transmission, and why they’re essential for everyday email use. So, let’s get started!

What is SMTP?

SMTP stands for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. It is the standard protocol used for sending emails across the internet. When you hit “send” on an email, SMTP is the protocol that ensures your message reaches its intended destination.

IMAP explained in detail

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The Role of RTT (Round-Trip Time) in Network Efficiency

Round-Trip Time (RTT) is a crucial metric that often determines the efficiency and speed of our internet connections. Whether you’re streaming a video, browsing a website, or participating in a video call, it plays a significant role in your online experience. In today’s article we explain more about it, why it matters, and how it affects our daily digital interactions.

What is Round-Trip Time (RTT)?

Round-Trip Time, commonly referred to as RTT, is the measure of the time it takes for a signal to travel from the source to the destination and back again. In simpler terms, it’s the time elapsed between sending a request and receiving a response. This metric is crucial for understanding the latency in a network connection.

Imagine sending a letter to a friend and waiting for a reply. The total time it takes from sending your letter to receiving a response is analogous to RTT in networking. However, in the digital world, this process happens in milliseconds.

The difference between RTT and Latency

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What is the NSlookup command for?

The NSlookup command, short for “name server lookup,” is a versatile tool that any network administrator or curious user should have in their toolkit. This command-line utility is used to query Domain Name System (DNS) servers to find the IP address associated with a domain name or vice versa, making it an essential tool for troubleshooting DNS problems and for ensuring that the DNS records are correctly set up and propagated. Let’s dive deeper into what the NSlookup command is, how it works, and how you can use it effectively.

What is DNS?

Before we delve into the specifics of the NSlookup command, it’s crucial to understand the basics of the Domain Name System (DNS). DNS is essentially the phonebook of the internet, translating human-friendly domain names (like into machine-readable IP addresses (like, which are required to locate and identify computer services and devices on the internet. Without DNS, we would have to memorize IP addresses to access websites, which is not practical.

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What does Reverse DNS mean?

Reverse DNS is an absolutely beneficial instrument for every business. It will convert the IP address into the domain name. But what makes you think you’d want that? Let’s take a closer look at Reverse DNS to comprehend it better.

PTR record – definition

The PTR is a DNS record type that we use for Reverse DNS to connect IP addresses (both IPv4 and IPv6) to the domain name. For example, when receiving mail servers want to know where an email came from, they execute a rDNS lookup and seek for PTR records. The PTR records will ensure that the IP address is actually associated with the domain name.

The purpose of Reverse DNS

Reverse DNS, also known as rDNS, is a querying technique used by DNS (Domain Name System) to do a particular sort of query with an IP address (IPv4 or IPv6) as an input and a name record as an output (A record or AAAA record). It’s termed reverse because it works in the same way as a forward DNS lookup, which connects an IP address to a domain name.

If you wish to check a specific host, you can use rDNS. Each host connected to a network has an IP address as an identification. You can readily see the IP address, but you can also execute a reverse DNS lookup to view the domain name and decide whether or not to trust it.

Check out the different Reverse DNS service plan possibilities.

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How does DNSSEC add an additional level of security?

DNSSEC is the most effective technique to secure your Domain Name System. We’ll explain why, what the phrase implies, and how you can benefit from it in this article. So, let’s keep it going.

The explanation of DNSSEC

DNSSEC is a collection of Security Extensions for the DNS that adds authentication and data integrity.

The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) invented it in the 1990s. Its primary goal is to provide an authentication method that uses digital signatures and public cryptography to prove the data’s origin. The data owner can use its private key to sign DNS data (DNS records) and ensure that the information is secure. Each recursive server can validate the data’s origin by comparing it to the public key.

It’s a complete chain of trust, beginning with the root server and ending with the exact hostname. Except for the root zone, which has nothing on top of it, each zone is signed by the one above it.

If the recursive server cannot authenticate the data for some reason, it will discard it and try again. It’s always better to be safe than sorry.

How does DNSSEC work?

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Monitoring service explained for beginners

The topic of our discussion today is the Monitoring service. If you wonder what its main purpose is, why it is so beneficial for you and your business, and where you can find you, you are in the right place. So, let’s not waste any more time in idle talk, and let’s explore it! 

Monitoring service – Definition

Monitoring service is critical for delivering dependable service and a positive user experience. It also helps to identify problems with your services such as web, DNS, email, and so on. In addition, it provides precise information about the state of your servers and assists you in quickly identifying and resolving various issues.

You also have the option to monitor and notice the status of your servers in real-time. Any issues, such as a component failure or extremely slow traffic, will be straightforward to recognize and respond to.

Automatic notifications are also provided through the Monitoring service. As a result, if a problem arises, you will be notified via email, SMS, or other methods.

Find out what options are available for Monitoring service plans.

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