Tag: DNS data

How does DNSSEC add an additional level of security?

DNSSEC is the most effective technique to secure your Domain Name System. We’ll explain why, what the phrase implies, and how you can benefit from it in this article. So, let’s keep it going.

The explanation of DNSSEC

DNSSEC is a collection of Security Extensions for the DNS that adds authentication and data integrity.

The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) invented it in the 1990s. Its primary goal is to provide an authentication method that uses digital signatures and public cryptography to prove the data’s origin. The data owner can use its private key to sign DNS data (DNS records) and ensure that the information is secure. Each recursive server can validate the data’s origin by comparing it to the public key.

It’s a complete chain of trust, beginning with the root server and ending with the exact hostname. Except for the root zone, which has nothing on top of it, each zone is signed by the one above it.

If the recursive server cannot authenticate the data for some reason, it will discard it and try again. It’s always better to be safe than sorry.

How does DNSSEC work?

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