Tag: NS record

DNS zone: 4 Types You Should Know

Today we will talk about the DNS zone. First, we will explore its purpose and then its different types. Finally, we will explain how you can locate your DNS zone. Let’s start!

DNS zone description

A DNS (Domain Name System) zone is a database containing Resource Records from a single DNS Namespace. Another way to say it, these zones are designed to make administration simple and redundant while also assisting in improving availability and performance. Additionally, you could see the DNS zone as a horizontal platform that connects all of a corporation’s subdomains.

As an illustration, if we have the domain name picusha.net and a zone called picusha.net inside of a DNS server, we may construct Resource Records for all of the TCP/IP devices inside the zone. This DNS server has been given permission to handle all DNS requests for picusha.net domains, including www.picusha.net, info.picusha.net, etc.

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