Tag: Dynamic DNS

Deep dive into Dynamic DNS

The Domain Name System (DNS) is a foundational component of internet infrastructure, translating human-readable domain names into IP addresses. Traditional DNS setups, however, assume static IP addresses for domain names, which can be a limitation in modern, dynamic network environments. This is where Dynamic DNS (DDNS) comes into play. DDNS allows for the automatic updating of DNS records, making it possible to maintain consistent domain name to IP address mappings even when IP addresses change frequently. This blog post provides a detailed technical deep dive into Dynamic DNS, exploring its mechanisms, benefits, use cases, and implementation.

Understanding Dynamic DNS (DDNS)

Dynamic DNS (DDNS) is an extension to the standard DNS protocol, enabling the automatic update of DNS records for devices with dynamically assigned IP addresses. This is particularly useful for devices that connect to the internet through Internet Service Providers (ISPs) that frequently change the IP addresses assigned to their customers.

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Premium DNS service overview

Explanation of Premium DNS service

By using a Premium DNS service, you might get more of everything. There are more DNS servers and zones available. Additionally, you have more control over how traffic is moving. Once you start using it, you’ll notice a difference in loading speed. Further, it will lead to increased uptime, security, and SEO.

If your business cannot afford downtime, you should investigate the Premium DNS service. Any website bigger than a small personal blog could profit from implementing a DNS service like this.

If visitor numbers keep rising, you should give this service some real thought.

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Interesting DNS Terms & Definitions

Here are some interesting DNS terms you may not know yet. They are helpful both for beginner DNS administrators and more advanced ones. 

Dynamic DNS

Dynamic DNS automatically updates your IP address every time it is replaced. The Internet Service Providers (ISPs) are commonly changing it since it is easier for them to manage their large networks. For that reason, it is really useful to implement Dynamic DNS, for example, for your CCTV cameras for surveillance.

Anycast DNS

If you want to boost the DNS resolution process of your domain, you should consider Anycast DNS. It is a routing mechanism that works by placing one IP address into several name servers that are positioned in different points of the world. That way, the DNS request (DNS query) takes the shortest path, and the closest server provides the needed data.


DNSSEC (Domain Name System Security Extensions) brings extra protection to your DNS (Domain Name System). It applies cryptographic authentication for the DNS data (DNS records) that goes around the Internet. Besides, Domain Name System Security Extensions provide insurance for the origin of the DNS data and its integrity. 

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